Join us online for the 2021 Fall Technical Workshop, where the world’s leading technical experts in energy systems integration (ESI) will present and share information, research, analysis, and operations knowledge on a wide range of topics related to ESI and grid transformation technologies and practices.
The workshop is designed for a diverse audience, including grid and market operators, utilities, power producers and energy operators, system and component manufacturers, government laboratories, universities, consulting firms, forecasters, developers and other energy organizations. All sessions are FREE to attend.
Below you will find a list of the scheduled session topics, speaker/presentation information and registration links for each session.
Tuesday, October 5
3:00 – 5:15 p.m. (US-EDT)
Welcome & Introduction
Mark Ahlstrom (@markahlstrom), President, ESIG Board of Directors, NextEra Energy Resources
Keynote Comments
Warren Lasher, Senior Director of System Planning, ERCOT
An IBR Future
Julia Matevosyan, Lead Planning Engineer, ERCOT
Positive Sequence Modeling of GFM Inverters and 100% IBR Systems
Deepak Ramasubramanian, Technical Leader, EPRI
Rethinking System Services with GFM
Tim Green (@OtherProfGreen), Professor, Co-Director of the Energy Futures Laboratory (EFL), Imperial College London
Rethinking Simulation Tools with GFM
Nick Miller, Principal, HickoryLedge, LLC
Mark Ahlstrom
Warren Lasher
Julia Matevosyan
Deepak Ramasubramanian
Tim Green
Nick Miller
Thursday, October 7
3:00 – 4:45 p.m. (US-EDT)
Chair: Debbie Lew, Associate Director, ESIG
Letting Go of LOLE – New Metrics for Resource Adequacy
Derek Stenclik, Founding Partner, Telos Energy
The Western Resource Adequacy Program
Gregg Carrington, Chief Operating Officer, Northwest Power Pool
Resource Adequacy and Energy Storage
Keith Parks, Senior Trading Analyst, Xcel Energy
Storage as a Facilitator for Decarbonization in the Northeast
John Simonelli, Managing Director, Flashover LLC
Debbie Lew
Derek Stenclik
Gregg Carrington
John Simonelli
Tuesday, October 12
3:00 – 4:45 p.m. (US-EDT)
Chair: Obadiah Bartholomy, Manager, Distributed Energy Resources, Sacramento Municipal Utility District
AEMO VPP Integration Trial
Matt Armitage, Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), Australia
Integrated Grid Planning
Marc Asano, Director of Integrated Grid Planning, Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO)
Risk-controlled Expansion Planning with Distributed Resources
Miguel Heleno, Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Stochastic Nodal Resource Adequacy
Richard Tabors, President, Tabors Caramanis Rudkevich
Obadiah Bartholomy
Matt Armitage
Marc Asano
Miguel Heleno
Richard Tabors
Thursday, October 14
3:00 – 4:45 p.m. (US-EDT)
Chair: Caitlin Murphy, Senior Energy Analyst, NREL
Removing Roadblocks and Barriers for Hybrid Resource Participation
Derek Stenclik, Founding Partner, Telos Energy
A Comparison of the Value of Stand-alone vs Hybrid Power Plants
Will Gorman, Researcher, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Future Value of PV-Battery Hybrids
Anna Schleifer, NREL
Perspective from an Owner/Operator
Dan Belarmino, Green Mountain Power
Caitlin Murphy
Derek Stenclik
Will Gorman
Anna Schleifer
Dan Belarmino
Tuesday, October 19
3:00 – 4:45 p.m. (US-EDT)
Chair: Ahmad Faruqui, Principal, Brattle
Innovative Pathways to 100% Renewables
Doug Smith, Chief Power Supply Executive, Green Mountain Power
Orchestrating Demand
Tom Hines, Principal, Tierra Resource Consultants LLC
Bid-in Demand Participation Models
Dick O’Neill, Distinguished Research Fellow, ARPA-E
Retail Pricing and Consumer Demand
Mike Oldak, Oldak Consulting
Ahmad Faruqui
Doug Smith
Tom Hines
Dick O’Neill
Mike Oldak
Thursday, October 21
3:00 – 4:45 p.m. (US-EDT)
Chair: Jason MacDowell, Senior Technical Director, GE Energy Consulting
IBR Integration in ERCOT
Julia Matevosyan, Lead Planning Engineer, ERCOT
EMT Modelling and Studies in ERCOT – Latest Developments and Challenges
Xiaoyu (Shawn) Wang, Senior Planning Engineer, ERCOT
Practices and Challenges to Manage Transmission Constraints
Prabhu Gnanam, Manager, Transmission and Interconnection Studies, ERCOT
Long-Term West Texas Export Special Study Update
Jameson Haesler, Senior Planning Engineer, ERCOT
Jason MacDowell
Julia Matevosyan
Xiaoyu (Shawn) Wang
Prabhu Gnanam
Jameson Haesler
Tuesday, October 26
3:00 – 4:45 p.m. (US-EDT)
Chair: Mike Hogan, Senior Advisor, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
Unlocking Flexibility with EV Smart Charging
Francisco Boshell, Innovation Team Lead, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Germany
Distribution System Upgrades for Fleet Electrification
Jay Oliver, Managing Director, Grid Systems Integration, Duke Energy
Impact of Transportation Electrification on Distribution System Upgrades
Nigel Turvey, Visiting Senior Industrial Fellow, University of Bath, England
Heavy-duty Truck Electrification and the Impacts of Depot Charging on Electricity Distribution Systems
Matteo Muratori, Team Lead – Integrated Transportation and Energy Systems Analysis, NREL
Mike Hogan
Francisco Boshell
Jay Oliver
Nigel Turvey
Matteo Muratori
Thursday, October 28
3:00 – 5:00 p.m. (US-EDT)
Chair: Aaron Bloom, Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs, NextEra Energy
Recognizing Multiple Benefits in Transmission Planning
Hannes Pfeifenberger, Principal, Brattle
Calculating Transmission Benefits at PacifiCorp
Rick Vail, Vice President – Transmission, PacifiCorp
European Calculation of Transmission Benefits
Albert Moser, Professor, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Inefficiencies of Interconnection Queue Process, Cost Allocation and Ideas for Reform
Rob Gramlich, Founder and President, Grid Strategies
Planning Transmission for Offshore Wind
Theodore Paradise, Executive Vice President, Transmission Strategy & Counsel, Anbaric
Aaron Bloom
Hannes Pfeifenberger
Rick Vail
Albert Moser
Rob Gramlich
Theodore Paradise