Our 2022 Fall Technical Workshop in Minneapolis, Minnesota featured more than 60 industry leaders from around the world. All of the presentations from the workshop can be downloaded below.
Workshop Session Recordings: For recordings of each of the sessions, please see the workshop playlist here.
Special Event: Capacity Expansion Modeling for Transmission Planning
Overview of Need for Flexibility
Aidan Tuohy, Senior Program Manager, EPRI
Introduction – Evolution and Effectiveness of Flexibility Products in Markets and Operations
Julia Matevosyan, Chief Engineer, ESIG
Background on Flexibility Products and Alternative Options, Implementation Details and Evolution of Flexibility
Nikita Singhal, Technical Leader, EPRI
Short-Term Reserve Product in MISO
Chen-Hao Tsai, Advisor I, Operation Risk Assessment, MISO
Flexibility Products in Markets and Operations
Amber Motley, Sr. Manager Short Term Forecasting, CAISO
Breaking Flexibility Down
Eamonn Lannoye, Program Manager & Managing Director, EPRI
Mark Ahlstrom, President, ESIG Board of Directors & NextEra Energy Resources
Keynote Comments: Planning for the Energy Transition at MISO
Aubrey Johnson, Vice President, System Planning & Competitive Transmission, MISO
Meeting Overview
Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
Chair: Aaron Bloom, Sr. Director of Regulatory Affairs, NextEra Energy Resources
Joe Sullivan, Commissioner, Minnesota Public Utilities Commission
PJ Martin, Xcel Energy
Elizabeth Cook, General Manager, Advanced Grid Solutions, Duquesne Light Company
Jacob Mays, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell
Paul Denholm, Principal Energy Analyst, NREL
Chair: Jay Caspary, Vice President, Grid Strategies
European Perspective
Anders Bavehoj Hansen, Chief Engineer, Energinet (Denmark)
US RTO Perspective
Trevor Hines, Manager – South Region Reliability Coordination, MISO
Market Participant Perspective
Temujin Roach, Sr. Transmission Policy Manager, EDF Renewables North America
GETs: A New Approach
Pablo Ruiz, Sr. Consultant, The Brattle Group and CEO/CTO, NewGrid
Germán Lorenzón, Senior Engineer, NewGrid (Argentina)
Rethinking the Role of FTRs for Renewables
James Kim, Energy Policy Project Scientist, LBNL
Chair: Andy Hoke, Senior Engineer, NREL
IEEE 2800 OEM Readiness
Aung Thant, Engineer, Inverter-Based Resource Specialist, NERC
Gap Analysis Between IEEE 2800 and Existing Interconnection Requirements
Jens Boemer, Principal Technical Leader, EPRI
Interconnection Study Process – Reliability Implications and Improvements Needed
Jason MacDowell, Senior Technical Director, GE Energy Consulting
MISO Interconnection Requirements
Patrick Dalton, MISO
IBR Models and Modeling Needs
Deepak Ramasubramanian, Technical Leader, EPRI
Chair: Cristin Lyons, ScottMadden
Exploring Hydrogen’s Role in the Power Sector
Kai Van Horn, Manager, National Grid
Understanding Economic and Deployment Benefits of Wind-PV Hybrid Power Plants
Caitlin Murphy, Sr. Energy Policy Analyst, NREL
Insights from Studying a Dispatchable Emission Free Resource (DEFR)
Jason Frasier, Manager, Economic Planning, NYISO
Grid Operational Impacts of Widespread Storage Deployment
Nikita Singhal, Technical Leader, EPRI
Chair: Carl Linvill, Principal, Regulatory Assistance Project
Introduction to the Nexus between Customers, Prices, and Grid Needs
Debbie Lew, Associate Director, ESIG
Regulatory Policy in Aligning Retail Rates with Grid Needs
Travis Kavulla, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, NRG Energy
Aligning Retail Rates with the Needs of Transitioning Power Systems
Arne Olson, Sr. Partner, Energy and Environmental Economics (E3)
Heat Pump-friendly Retail Rate Designs
Sanem Sergici, Principal, The Brattle Group
Putting the “Curve” in Demand Curves: Moving Beyond Supply-curve “Demand Response” to Consumer Empowerment at the Grid Edge
Michael Hogan, Senior Advisor, Regulatory Assistance Project
Chair: Rob Gramlich, Founder & President, Grid Strategies
Linking Resource Adequacy Analysis to Real-Time Availability
Derek Stenclik, Founding Partner, Telos Energy
Estimating Capacity Performance Risk Using Statistical and Economic Models
Muhsin Abdur-Rahman, Manager of PJM Market Fundamentals, Vistra Corp.
Resource Accreditation Considering Correlated Outages
Joel Dison, Sr. Managing Consultant, Astrapé Consulting
MISO’s Path to Resource Adequacy
Durgesh Manjure, Resource Adequacy Policy, MISO
Towards Zero-Carbon Electricity Markets: Challenges and Solutions for Resource Adequacy
Audun Botterud, Principal Energy Systems Engineer, Argonne National Laboratory
Chair: Jason MacDowell, GE Energy Consulting
Comparison of Current GFM Equipment Specs
Julia Matevosyan, Chief Engineer, ESIG
Assessment of GFL and GFM Inverter and Synchronous Condenser Connection in Australia: Lessons Learned
Babak Badrzadeh, Technical Director, Power Systems, Aurecon (Australia)
Replication and Identification of Causes of Grid Oscillations
Lingling Fan, Professor, University of South Florida
Stability Impacts of Providing Frequency Response from IBRs in Lower Inertia Regions
Pengwei Du, Lead Engineer-Renewable Integration, ERCOT
Shruti Rao, Senior Engineer, GE Power
Chair: Mark O’Malley, Imperial College London
European Synchronization with Ukrenergo and Moldelectrica
Albino Marques, Director, REN (Portugal)
Online Oscillations Analysis at ISO New England: Current Status and Future Needs with Respect to IBR
Slava Maslennikov, Technical Manager, ISO-NE
Grid-support Opportunities Provided by GFL and GFM IBR
Babak Badrzadeh, Technical Director, Power Systems, Aurecon (Australia)
A Novel Offshore Pumped Storage Concept
Bernhard Ernst, Deputy Head of Energy Storage, Fraunhofer Institute (Germany)
Chair: Juliet Homer, Energy Policy Analytics Team Lead, PNNL
ENTSO-E Minimum Inter-TSO Transmission Capacity Requirements
Peter Markussen, Managing Director, Energinet
DOE’s Building a Better Grid Initiative
Hamody Hindi, Electrical Engineer, DOE
National Transmission Planning Study – Learnings to Date
Patrick Brown, Researcher, NREL
Atlantic Offshore Wind Study
Jian Fu, Program Manager, Grid Integration, Wind Energy Technologies Office, DOE
How Can We Move Interregional Transmission Planning Forward?
Hassan Hayat, Regional Transmission Planning Manager, AEP