Featured Speaker: Hannele Holttinen, Senior Adviser, Partner, Recognis Oy. Finland
About the Webinar: This webinar will summarize findings on wind and solar integration, both real experience and studies, as reported from the 17 countries participating in the International Energy Agency Wind Technology Collaboration Programme (IEA Wind TCP) Task 25. It is based on the recently published summary report, ”Design and Operation of Energy Systems with Large Amounts of Variable Generation.” The main issues regarding wind and solar impacts on power systems, from national case studies, address both long-term planning issues and short-term operational impacts. Long-term planning issues include grid planning and resource adequacy. Short-term operational impacts include reliability, stability, reserves, and maximizing the value of wind in operational timescales. Findings on variability and uncertainty of power system-wide wind power are covered. Recent studies toward 100% shares of renewables are also presented. Access to the Summary Report may be found at 10.32040/2242-122X.2021.T396.
About the Speaker: Dr. Hannele Holttinen is Partner at Recognis and acting as Operating Agent of IEAWIND Task 25 and Pillar 5 lead of G-PST. She has her MSc and PhD from Helsinki Technical University, where she is Docent since 2014. She worked previously at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland for more than 25 years in different fields of wind energy and energy system integration research, last years as Principal Scientist. Her main interests are on the impact of wind and PV on power systems and electricity markets. She has chaired IEAWind in 2011-12, and has been active in European Wind Energy Platforms ETIP and TPWIND as well as in Nordic energy research.
Moderator: Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.