Featured Speaker: Bruce Tsuchida, Principal, The Brattle Group
Webinar Abstract: This study, from the Proactive Planning Task Force, examines how costs vary in the generator interconnection (GI) process, depending on the level of proactive planning. It studies three levels of proactiveness using the MISO and SPP regions as testbeds. It finds significant cost reductions using expanded study windows and additional cost reductions with increased study scope.
Bruce Tsuchida
About the Speaker: Mr. T. Bruce Tsuchida is a Principal of The Brattle Group with thirty years of experience in domestic and international power generation development, utility operation, and power market analysis. He specializes in assessing the impact of new technologies and regulatory changes, including analysis of evolving wholesale electric markets and modeling, impact of renewable and other new technologies’ on system operations, utility business, and various impacts on valuations of transmission and generation assets, deliverability, and contracts. These studies range from large interconnected systems to small island systems.
Moderator: Debbie Lew, ESIG Associate Director
Registration Cost: FREE