5 Lakes Energy | ERCOT | Northern Arizona University |
Acciona Energy North America | Evergy | Northland Power |
Achillea Research Inc. | Eversource | NorthStar Clean Energy |
Advanced Energy | Fire Island Wind | NRECA |
AEP Renewables | Francisco De La Rosa | NREL |
AES Wind | Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA) | NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research |
Alaska Center for Energy and Power | General Electric International, Inc. (GEII) | NYSERDA |
Algonquin Power | Georgia Institute of Technology | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Allete Clean Energy | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Omaha Public Power District |
Alliant Energy | GHD | Onward Energy |
Ameren | Go2Power Consulting | ONYX InSight |
American Clean Power Association | Golden Spread Electric Cooperative | OPAL-RT |
American Electric Power | Golden Valley Electric Association | Organization of MISO States |
Ampacimon | Google LLC | Ørsted Onshore North America LLC |
Amprion GmbH | Great Plains Institute | Pacific Gas & Electric |
Anderson Optimization | Great River Energy | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Andrew Swift | Green Power Investment | Patriot Renewables |
Anne Lazarides | Greenview Strategic Consulting | Pattern Operators LP |
Apex Clean Energy | Grid Strategies LLC | PEI Energy Corporation |
Arevon Energy | Grid United | Pine Gate Renewables |
Argonne National Laboratory | GridLab | PJM Interconnection |
Arizona Public Service | Hawaii Natural Energy Institute | Platte River Power Authority |
Aspenall Energies (Delaware), LLC | Hawaiian Electric Company | Polaris Systems Optimization |
Astrape Consulting | Hitachi Energy USA Inc. | Portland General Electric |
Australian Energy Market Operator Ltd | Holy Cross Energy | Power Analytics Software |
Avangrid Renewables | Hydro Quebec | PSC Specialists Group, Inc. |
Aypa Power | ICF | Public Service Co. of New Mexico |
Basin Electric Power Cooperative | Idaho National Laboratory | Puget Sound Energy |
Berkshire Hathaway Energy | IHI Terrasun Solutions | Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute – Johns Hopkins University |
BluEarth Renewables | Imperial College London | Reactive Technologies |
Bonneville Power Administration | Independent Electricity Consultants, LLC | Record Hill Wind LLC |
BP Wind | Independent Electricity System Operator | ReliabilityFirst |
Brattle Group | Ingeniería y Consciencia | RES Digital Solutions |
California Energy Commission | Innergex Renewable Development USA, LLC | RWE Clean Energy |
California Independent System Operator | Inodú | Sacramento Municipal Utility District |
Camus Energy | Integral Analytics | Salt River Project |
Canadian Renewable Energy Association | Interstate Renewable Energy Council | Sammons Infrastructure |
Capital Power | Intertek AIM | Sandia National Laboratories |
Chiara Lo Prete | Invenergy | ScottMadden |
Clean Power Research | Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative | Scout Clean Energy |
Clearway Energy Group | Iowa State University / Electric Power Research Center | Sempra Infrastructure |
Clemson University Restoration Institute | ISO New England | SERC Reliability Corp. |
Con Edison | Itron | Shell International Exploration & Production |
ConnectGen LLC | JERA Americas | Shell Wind Energy |
Constellation | Jim MacInnes | Shermco Industries |
Consumers Energy | J-POWER | Siemens Technology Corp. USA |
Costa Rica Operaciones y Mantenimiento, S.A (CROMSA) | Kauai Island Utility Cooperative | Sinton Instruments |
CPV Keenan II Renewable Energy Company, LLC | Kevala | Skyline Renewables |
Cubico Sustainable Investments | Key Capture Energy | SMA America, LLC |
Customized Energy Solutions | KLS Power Consulting | Smart Wires |
DE Shaw | Korea Grid Forming | Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) |
Deriva Energy | KU Leuven Research and Development | Southern Company Services |
Deutsche Windtechnik Inc | Lancium | Southwest Power Pool |
DIgSILENT | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | SP Amherst Wind Power LP |
DNV GL | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | Sunflower Electric Power Corporation |
DTE Energy | Leeward Asset Management, LLC | Swift Current Management Services |
Duke Energy | Longroad Energy Services | Tabors Caramanis Rudkevich |
E-Cubed Policy Associates | Madison Gas & Electric | Telos Energy |
EDF Renewables | Marcos Netto | Tennessee Valley Authority |
EdgeTunePower | Market Surveillance Administrator | TerraForm Power Operating |
Edison Electric Institute | Maxar | Terra-Gen |
EDP Renewables | Midcontinent Independent System Operator | Texas Regional Entity |
EirGrid | Midwest Reliability Organization | TransAlta |
Electranix Corporation | Minnesota Power | TransGrid Solutions |
Electric Power Engineers, Inc. | Missouri River Energy Services | Transpower NZ Ltd |
Electric Power Systems, Inc. | Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. | Tri-State G&T Association |
Elevate Energy Consulting | Monash University | Tucson Electric Power |
EMTP | NAES/White Creek Wind | U.S. Department of Energy |
Enbridge Renewable Energy Infrastructure LP | National Grid ESO | Union of Concerned Scientists |
encoord | National Grid Renewables | University of Tokyo |
Enel Green Power | National Resources Defense Council | Vector Limited |
Energinet.dk | Natural Resources Canada | VEIR |
Energy & Environmental Economics | Nebraska Public Power District | Wartsila |
energy & meteo systems | New Leaf Energy Inc. | WEC Energy Group |
Energy Exemplar LLC | New York Independent System Operator | WEG Transformers USA Inc |
Energy Forecasting Solutions | NextEra Analytics | WES Engineering Inc. |
Energy Futures Group | NextEra Energy | Western Electricity Coordinating Council |
Energy Innovation | NextUp Renewables LLC | Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Body (WIRAB) |
Energy Strategies | NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory | World Resources Institute |
Energynautics GmbH | North American Electric Reliability Corporation | Xcel Energy |
EnerNex | Northeast Branch of State Grid Corporation of China | Yonsei University |
ENGIE Canada | Northeast Power Coordinating Council | Zero Emission Grid |