If you are forward thinking, looking to operate on the leading edge of energy systems integration and operations, and grow and advance your organization and career, you should become a member of ESIG.
Through our technical and user group meetings, webinars, blogs and collaborative activities, ESIG members are provided access to credible information, education and networking regarding energy systems integration technology and operations.
Technical Workshops and Special Topical Workshops
Technical workshops offer panel presentations on the latest studies, experiences and information. Designed to provide timely and broad updates on the most important issues, they are complemented by special topical workshops on areas that require in-depth presentations and interactive discussions.
BECOME A MEMBER NOWTechnical Working Groups
Working group meetings provide a less formal forum for exploring emerging topics. At this time, five technical working groups are operating, each focused on specific areas of interest to its members.
- Reliability Working Group
- System Operation and Market Design Working Group
- Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Working Group
- System Planning Working Group
- Research and Education Working Group
O&M Users Group
The Operations and Maintenance Users Group offers turbine and solar-specific O&M discussion roundtables where owners/operators of these assets can share and discuss experiences. This group has special membership rules and protocols so that members can speak frankly and share sensitive information in a safe environment.
Dues Structure
To view the current Energy Systems Integration Group dues structure, click below.
*Dues are based on your organization’s annual gross revenues or annual operating budget, whichever is larger*
Sustaining Memberships
Sustaining members are those who contribute to the Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG) over and above the level of their normal annual dues. The support of sustaining members dramatically increases our ability to provide the training, materials, and briefing documents for decisionmakers that come from what we collaboratively figure out together at ESIG. The work taking place within our task forces and working groups is critical to the issues of tomorrow, including rethinking resource adequacy, transmission planning, grid-forming inverters, market participation of emerging and distributed resources, system flexibility, hybrid resources, and the pathways for decarbonization.
To view our Sustaining Member levels, associated benefits and annual costs, click below.