Electric power systems are undergoing major transformation. Organized electricity markets may play a key role on these systems of the future and achieving a system that can meet climate goals while still maintaining our everlasting goals of affordability and reliability.
The task force’s goals are to investigate visions and options for wholesale market designs and structures that can support 100% clean electricity futures. In particular, the task force is discussing how to accommodate high levels of variable, zero-fuel-cost, and inverter-based resources; high levels of limited-duration resources; and a dynamic distribution system with price-responsive or dispatchable demand-side assets.
The Market Evolution for 100% Clean Electricity Task Force held two workshops and is publishing a report shortly.
- The first workshop on electricity markets under deep decarbonization was held February 28 to March 1, 2023, in Washington, DC. The workshop convened a set of experts to listen and debate the existing market designs and their effectiveness, solutions that have been explored and their effectiveness, and the possible actions necessary to bridge remaining gaps. Download the workshop summary here.
- The second workshop was held on October 24, 2024, in Providence, RI. Several authors were commissioned to articulate visions for wholesale market designs and structures that can support 100% clean electricity futures, and they gave overviews of their work at this workshop. The overarching goal of the workshop was to discuss metrics that can be used to evaluate these visions as well as other market designs, summarize these visions, and solicit workshop participants’ feedback. Download the 2024 workshop summary here.
Presentations from the second workshop:
Markets for 100% Clean Electricity Workshop Introduction Presentation, Robin Hytowitz, NextEra Analytics; Debra Lew, ESIG
ESIG 100% and Markets Activities, Erik Ela, EPRI
Changes needed to reliably and affordably achieve very high renewable penetration, Rob Gramlich, Grid Strategies; Michael Goggin, Grid Strategies
Coordinated Planning for the Energy Transition, Kelli Joseph, World Resources Institute
Electricity Markets under Deep Decarbonization, Jacob Mays, Cornell University
A Developer’s Vision for Clean Energy Markets, Jessica Greenberg, Enel North America
Overview of Decarbonized Grid Methodologies, Ryan Schoppe, EPRI
- A final report will be published in February 2025.