Here you will find resources related to System Planning categorized by the following:
Generation & Transmission Renewable Integration Planning Studies of Electrical Systems / Energy System Integration Studies of Electrical, Thermal, Fuel, and Transportation Systems / Capacity Adequacy, Flexibility & System Services / Transmission-specific
Generation & Transmission Renewable Integration Planning Studies of Electrical Systems
US / US-AZ / US-CA / US-CO / US-Eastern Interconnection / US-HI / US-ID / US-MN / US-MT / US-NE / US-NY / US-Northwest / US-TX / US-Western Interconnection / US-WI / US-Avista / US-ISO-NE / US-MISO / US-NERC / US-PacifiCorp / US-PGE / US-SPP
International / Australia / Canada / Europe / Germany / Great Britain / Ireland / Netherlands / Nordic/ IEA / Methods
Grid Impacts of Wind Power: A Summary of Recent Studies in the United States (NREL, presented at 2003 EWEC)
Grid Impacts of Wind Power Variability: Recent Assessments from a Variety of Utilities in the United States (presented at 2006 EWEC)
Best Practices in Grid Integration of Variable Wind Power: Summary of Recent US Case Study Results and Mitigation Measures (presented at 2007 EWEC)
Impact of Balancing Areas Size, Obligation Sharing, and Ramping Capability on Wind Integration (NREL, presented at WindPower 2007)
Utility Wind Integration and Operating Impact State of the Art (IEEE Transactions on Power Systems – Aug 2007)
Large-Scale Wind Integration Studies in the United States: Preliminary Results (NREL, presented in 2009)
Impact of Electric Industry Structure on High Wind Penetration Potential (NREL, July 2009)
The Role of Energy Storage with Renewable Electricity Generation (NREL, January 2010)
Ancillary Service and Balancing Authority Area Solutions to Integrate Variable Generation (NERC, March 2011)
Impacts of Wind Generation Integration (EPRI, April 2011)
Forecasting the Wind to Reach Significant Penetration Levels of Wind Energy (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Sept 2011)
Integrating Wind and Solar Energy in the U.S. Bulk Power System: Lessons from Regional Integration Studies (NREL, Sept 2012)
Integration Issues and Simulation Challenges of High‐Penetration PV (March 2014)
Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States: U.S. 2050 (November 2015)
United States Mid-Century Strategy for Deep Decarbonization (White House, 2016)
Electrification and Decarbonization: Exploring U.S. Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Scenarios with Widespread Electrification and Power Sector Decarbonization (NREL, 2017)
Electrification: Emerging Opportunities for Utility Growth (The Brattle Group, 2017)
2018 Standard Scenarios Report: A U.S. Electricity Sector Outlook (NREL, 2018)
Design and Valuation of High-Capacity HVDC Macrogrid Transmission for the Continental U.S. (January 2020)
Northeast Decarbonization: Opportunities and Challenges of Regional Electricity Sector Integration for High Renewable Penetration (April 2020)
The Value of Increased HVDC Capacity Between Eastern and Western U.S. Grids: The Interconnections Seam Study: Preprint (October, 2020)
The Value of Inter-Regional Coordination and Transmission in Decarbonizing the US Electricity System (December, 2020)
High Electrification Futures: Impacts to the U.S. Bulk Power System (2020)
Electrification Futures Study: Scenarios of Power System Evolution and Infrastructure Development for the United States (NREL, January 2021)
Electrification Futures Study: Methodological Approaches for Assessing Long-term Power System Impacts of End-Use Electrification (NREL, January 2021)
Zero By Fifty Study (VCE, November 2020)
Arizona Public Service Wind Integration Cost Impact Study (Sept 2007)
Arizona Public Service (APS) Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Integration Cost Study (Nov 2012)
Intermittency Analysis Project Final Report (California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research Program, July 2007)
Research Evaluation of Wind Generation, Solar Generation and Storage Impact on the California Grid (June 2010)
Integration of Renewable Resources at 20% RPS (California ISO, Aug 2010)
Investigating a Higher Renewables Portfolio Standard in California (Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc., Jan 2014)
Wind Integration Study for Public Service of Colorado (Xcel Energy, Dec 2008)
Wind Induced Coal Plant Cycling Costs and the Implications of Wind Curtailment for Public Service Company of Colorado (Xcel Energy, Aug 2011)
US-Eastern Interconnection
Joint Coordinated System Plan (2008)
Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study – Final Report (January 2010)
Eastern Wind and Solar Integration Study, Executive Summaries (May 2010)
EIPC Phase I Report: Formation of Stakeholder Process, Regional Plan Integration and Macroeconomic Analysis (Dec 2011)
Energy Zones Study for Eastern Interconnection (Argonne National Laboratory, 2013)
Consumer, Employment, and Environmental Benefits of Electricity Transmission Expansion in the Eastern U.S. (VCE, 2020)
Oahu Wind Integration and Transmission Study: Summary Report (NREL, Nov 2010)
Oahu Wind Integration and Transmission Study (OWITS): Hawaiian Islands Transmission Interconnection Project (Feb 2011)
Phase 2 Report: Oahu Wind Integration and Transmission Study (OWITS): Hawaiian Islands Transmission Interconnection Project (Feb 2011)
Hawaii Solar Integration Study: Executive Summary (NREL, June 2013)
Solar Integration Study Report (Idaho Power, June 2014)
Xcel Energy/Minnesota Department of Commerce Wind Integration Study (Sept 2004)
Minnesota Wind Integration Study (2006)
Northwestern Energy Montana Wind Integration Study (June 2011)
Nebraska Statewide Wind Integration Study / April 2008 – January 2010
US-New York
NYSERDA Wind Power Phase 1 Report: Preliminary Overall Reliability Assessment (Feb 2004)
NYSERDA Wind Power Phase 2 Report (March 2005)
Growing Wind: Final Report of the NYISO 2010 Wind Generation Study
Northwest Wind Integration Action Plan (Northwest Power and Conservation Council, March 2007)
Texas Study: Analysis of Wind Generation Impact on ERCOT Ancillary Services Requirements (GE Energy, March 2008)
CREZ Transmission Optimization Study (ERCOT, April 2008)
Storage Technologies in the ERCOT Market (May 2010)
ERCOT Crez Reactive Power Compensation Study (December 2010)
US-Western Interconnection
Combining Balancing Areas’ Variability: Impacts on Wind Integration in the Western Interconnection (NREL, July 2010)
Benefit of Regional Energy Balancing Service on Wind Integration in the Western Interconnection of the United States (NREL, Oct 2010)
WE Energies Wind Impacts Project: Final Report (March 2003)
Avista Corporation Wind Integration Study (March 2007)
US-ISO New England
2009 Northeast Coordinated System Plan (ISO New England, New York ISO and PJM)
New England Wind Integration Study (Dec 2010)
2019 Economic Study: Significant Offshore Wind Integration (2020)
Midwest ISO Energy Storage Study Phase 1 Report (Nov 2011)
MISO High Penetration Renewable Energy Study for 2050 (VCE, 2016)
Renewable Integration Impact Assessment (2017)
Accommodating High Levels of Variable Generation Report (NERC, April 2009)
Assessing Wind Integration Costs with Dispatch Models: A Case Study of PacifiCorp (May 2003)
Comments from Renewable Northwest Project on Study (May 2011)
PGE Response to RNP Comments on Study
PGE Wind Integration Study: List of Attendees to Public Meetings (2011)
Wind Integration Final Report (University of Oregon MBA Team, June 2011)
PGE Wind Integration Study Phase II Final Report (Sept 2011)
DOE: Integrating Southwest Power Pool Wind Energy into Southeast Electricity Markets (Oct 2011)
SPP WITF Wind Integration Study (Jan 2010)
CEC Review of International Experience Integrating Variable Renewable Energy Generation (April 2007)
The Hydroelectric Industry’s Role in Integrating Wind Energy (CEATI International, February 2011)
Analysis of the Impacts of Large-scale Wind Generation on the Ontario Electricity System (April 2005)
Maritimes Area Wind Power Integration Study Summary Report (April 2007)
Large Scale Wind Power in New Brunswick (August 2008)
Ontario Wind Integration Study (October 2006)
EWEA Report on Large Scale Integration of Wind Energy in the European Power Supply (December 2005)
European Wind Integration Study (EWIS) Towards a Successful Integration of Wind Power into European Electricity Grids – First Phase Final Report (January 2007)
European Wind Integration Study (EWIS) Towards a Successful Integration of Wind Power into European Electricity Grids – Final Report (March 2010)
EWIS List of Grid Reinforcement Projects Identified and/or Confirmed in EWIS Project (April 2010)
European Wind Integration Study (EWIS) Towards a Successful Integration of Wind Power into European Electricity Grids – Executive Summary and Recommendations
Challenges and Opportunities for a European HVDC Grid (2017)
dena Grid Study II – Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in the German Power Supply System from 2015 – 2020 with an Outlook to 2025
Integration into the National Grid of Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy Generated in Germany (February 2005)
Energy Management Planning for the Integration of Wind Energy into the Grid in Germany, Onshore and Offshore by 2020 (February 2005)
Great Britain
The Carbon Trust and DTI Renewables Network Impact Study – Annex 4: Intermittency Literature Survey and Roadmap (November 2003)
The Costs and Impacts of Intermittency: An assessment of the evidence on the costs and impacts of intermittent generation on the British electricity network (March 2006)
Irish All-Island Grid Study (January 2008)
Irish All-Island Grid Study – Study Overview (January 2008)
EirGrid Facilitation of Renewables Study (June 2010)
Wind Integration in the Dutch Power System: Bart Ummels Thesis (2008)
Wind Power Impacts on Electric Power System Operating Costs: Summary and Perspective on Work-to-date (March 2004)
State of the Art of Design and Operation of Power Systems with Large Amounts of Wind Power, Summary of IEA Wind Collaboration (May 2007)
Operating Reserves and Wind Power Integration: An International Comparison (NREL, October 201o)
IEA Wind Task 24: Final Technical Report – Integration of Wind and Hydropower Systems (December 2011)
16. Wind Integration Studies (December 2013)
Integrating Large Amounts of Wind Energy with a Small Electric-Power System (April 2004)
Calculating Wind Integration Costs: Separating Wind Energy Value from Integration Cost Impacts (NREL, July 2009)
Advancing Wind Integration Study Methodologies: Implications of Higher Levels of Wind (NREL, July 2010)
Cost-Causation and Integration Cost Analysis for Variable Generation (NREL, June 2011)
Detailed Reserve Calculations
Energy System Integration Studies of Electrical, Thermal, Fuel, and Transportation Systems
Capacity Adequacy, Flexibility & System Services
Flexibility Requirements and Potential Metrics for Variable Generation: Implications for System Planning Studies (NERC, August 2010)
Methods to Model and Calculate Capacity Contributions of Variable Generation for Resource Adequacy Planning (NERC, March 2011)
Flexible Capacity Procurement: Market and Infrastructure Policy Issue Paper (CAISO, January 2012)
Renewable Electricity Futures Study (NREL, 2012)
GCAM-USA Analysis of U.S. Electric Power Sector Transitions (PNNL, 2017)
Analysis of Transmission Alternatives for Competitive Renewable Energy Zones in Texas (ERCOT, December 2006)
FERC Order 890: Reform of Open Access Transmission Tariff (February 2007)
Electrical Collection and Transmission Systems for Offshore Wind Power (NREL, March 2007)
Integrating Locationally-Constrained Resources Into Transmission Systems: A Survey of U.S. Practices (WIRES, October 2008)
AWEA/SEIA White Paper on Green Power Superhighways (February 2009)
The Cost of Transmission for Wind Energy: A Review of Transmission Planning Studies (LBNL, February 2009)
U.S. Department of Energy Technical Conference: Design Concepts of Future Electric Transmission (DOE Transcript, March 2009)
Exploration of Resource and Transmission Expansion Decisions in the Western Renewable Energy Zone Initiative (LBNL, February 2010)
A Survey of Transmission Cost Allocation Methodologies for Regional Transmission Organizations (NREL, February 2011)
FERC Order 1000: Transmission & Cost Allocation by Transmission Owning and Operating Public Utilities (July 2011)
California Energy Commission Report: Renewable Resource/Transmission Development Scenarios (December 2011)
PSERC Future Grid Initiative White Paper: Transmission Design at the National Level: Benefits, Risks, and Possible Paths Forward (January 2012)
The 2035 Report (Goldman School of Public Policy, 2020)
The Value of Diversifying Uncertain Renewable Generation through the Transmission System (Boston University, 2020)
Special Transmission Webinar Series – Part 1: Planning (Rob Gramlich – January 2021)