Featured Speaker: Amber Motley, Director, Short Term Forecasting, California ISO
About the Webinar: This webinar focuses on the importance of renewable energy forecasting to grid operations with high penetrations of renewable resources. Renewable resource forecasts have become a critical part of grid operations, informing uncertainty products, the market optimization, and the reliability of the grid throughout the real time and day ahead horizons. This webinar will address the optimization of forecasts from multiple renewable providers, and the evolution towards new renewable resource types of co-located and hybrid resources. This will include the additional data requirements for Hybrid and Co-located resources, and the use of confidence bands in probabilistic renewable forecasts in planning Day Ahead and future time horizons to ensure the uncertainty of these resources is accounted for in system reliability considerations.
About the Speaker: Amber Motley is the Director of Short Term Forecasting at the California ISO. In her current role, Amber is accountable for leading a team to perform daily forecasting responsibilities for 27,000 MWs of solar energy, 7,000 MWs of wind energy, a peak demand of over 52,000 MWs for the CAISO, and 78,000 MWs for the participating EIM entities.
Amber’s roles and responsibilities expand into advancing the California ISO formulation of regulation requirements, flexible resource adequacy, flexible ramp requirements, including the avenue to integrate probabilistic forecasting into the market optimization.
Prior to Amber’s role with the ISO she worked for Xcel Energy Services for nearly 9 years, she held the position of Trade Analyst and had the primary responsibility of directing all company owned and operated resources. Mrs. Motley’s duties also included pre-scheduling day-ahead planning for Xcel Energy Services into the Southwest Power Pool. Areas of support in Mrs. Motley’s previous role included energy trading, maintaining the resource portfolio’s unit characteristics, energy supply contract analysis, and emergency operations.
Following her role as Trade Analyst Mrs. Motley accepted the position of Manager, Market Operations with Xcel Energy, Mrs. Motley’s primary responsibilities in this role were the management of Xcel Energy Services participation in the energy market operated by Southwest Power Pool, Inc. and the Mid-Continent Independent System Operator (ISO).
Mrs. Motley holds her Bachelor of Science in Meteorology, with a minor in Hydrology at Saint Cloud State University.
Moderator: Julia Matevosyan, Chief Engineer, ESIG
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.