Featured Speaker: Andrew Reimers, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Lancium
Andrew Reimers
About the Webinar: “Power-to-X” is the generalized concept for using carbon free electricity to produce other things like synthetic fuels such as hydrogen or ammonia that can then be used as inputs for hard to abate end products like steel or cement. Despite its advantages in terms of decarbonization, Power-to-X has the potential to stress the reliability of the bulk power system if it results in large swings in demand over short timescales or increases aggregate demand beyond what the grid can consistently supply . However, if Power-to-X can operate as controllable loads, i.e. loads that can follow dispatch instructions from the grid operator and provide balancing services such as frequency regulation and energy reserve service, Power-to-X can improve the reliability of the grid and balance against intermittent generation from renewables.
The optimal development of such controllable loads poses challenges for both market participants and grid operators. For example, owner/operators of controllable loads will have to develop techniques to operate their loads within defined parameters to be able to follow instructions from the grid. At the same time, grid operators will have to devise rules and strategies for dealing with reliability issues that can result from sudden changes in load and factor the economics of controllable loads into their forecasts for resource adequacy . We will present an overview of contemporary issues related to the operation of Power-to-X resources and how market participants and grid operators can optimally manage these dynamics.
About the Speaker: Andrew Reimers is the Director of Regulatory Affairs for Lancium, a start-up specializing in demand management for large electrical loads. He has worked as an electricity market analyst for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, and RWE Renewables. He has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas where he was advised by Michael Webber.
Moderator: Mark Ahlstrom, President, ESIG Board of Directors & NextEra Energy Resources
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.