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Towards 100% Renewable Energy Pathways Workshop
May 14 - May 15
All deep decarbonization scenarios involve increasing electrification of energy end-use and increasing utilization of renewable resources.
The purpose of this workshop is to develop a coordinated international research roadmap to address the technical challenges associated with incorporating very large amounts of variable generation (wind and solar) into the energy supply mix, recognizing the accompanying electrification of the economy and its social science dimension. In particular, the workshop will focus on the issues of operating a power system with 100% instantaneous penetration of inverter-based resources in a reliable and economic manner. The ultimate goal of the energy systems integration effort is the decarbonization of the complete energy system, through the integration of electrical, thermal and gas systems with application to the transportation, buildings and industry sectors. The bookend scenario of 100% annual energy from renewables will also be considered as a limiting case for illustrative purposes.
The roadmap will provide a research framework to allow cooperation among multiple independent parties. It is recognized that not all regions will follow the same pathways at the same time, but the chosen pathways must lead to a common destination. The pathways will identify major technology development needs, analytical efforts, and decision points needed to support the selected path. The vision is that the resulting roadmap will allow parties, using their available resources and working in a loosely coordinated fashion, to make progress toward common goals while identifying and taking advantage of advances in other international efforts.
Opening Session
Chair: Mark Ahlstrom, President, ESIG Board of Directors
A Word From Our Sponsor
Ric O’Connell, GridLab
A Sense of Urgency
Michael O’Boyle, Energy Innovations
Workshop and Agenda Overview
Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
Research Roadmap
Mark O’Malley, Chief Scientist, NREL; Chair, ESIG Research & Education Working Group
Workshop Background: Where Are We At, Where Are We Going, and How Will We Get There
Chair: Ric O’Connell, GridLab
Where Are We At?
Vera Silva, CTO, GE Renewables and Grid Business
Where Are We Going?
Nick Miller, Consultant
Possible Pathways Towards 100% RE: How Will We Get There?
Mark Ahlstrom, President, ESIG Board of Directors
Parallel Tracks
Track 1: Adequacy
Chair: Aaron Bloom, NextEra Analytics
Adequacy Issue Orientation: Aaron Bloom, NextEra Analytics
Track 2: Volts and Amps
Chair: Jason MacDowell, GE
Volts and Amps Issue Orientation: Jason MacDowell, GE
Track 3: Distribution Systems, Microgrids and Customers
Chair: Debbie Lew, GE
Distribution Systems, Microgrids and Customers Issue Orientation: Debbie Lew, GE
Track 4: Flexibility, Operations and Balancing
Chair: Aidan Tuohy, EPRI
Flexibility, Operations and Balancing Issue Orientation: Aidan Tuohy, EPRI
Track 5: Markets
Chair: Erik Ela, EPRI
Markets Issue Orientation: Erik Ela, EPRI