Battery Storage, Hybrid Resources, Frequency Response and Grid Services Workshop Agenda
Orientation, Welcome and Overview (Allen Schriver/NAGF, Mark Ahlstrom/ESIG)
Opening Keynote: Storage and other drivers of grid transformation
Elizabeth Salerno, Technical Advisor to FERC Commissioner Glick
Panel 1: Technical capabilities of battery energy storage systems
― Battery and inverter technologies
― Services storage can provide (energy, peak shaving, PFR, FFR, regulation, etc.)
― Reactive capabilities of battery energy storage systems (including while charging)
― Economics of provision (efficiency, degradation, implications on PPAs and offers)
― Batteries in hybrid systems – DC-coupled versus AC-coupled, does it affect the above?
Energy Storage Overview and Market Drivers, Jeff Plew, NextEra Energy
Storage in Hybrid Systems, Chris Larsen, Dynapower
Unlocking the transition to a low-carbon, reliable electrical system with hybrid storage solutions, Arvind Tiwari & Jason MacDowell, GE
Panel 2: Hybrid projects: motivations, drivers and challenges
― Driving factors behind hybrid projects – in regulated and market regions
― DC-coupled versus AC-coupled – drivers and implications for integrating into existing power systems (e.g., visibility, controllability, forecasting, dispatch, evaluation)
― Arguments for a hybrid resource model and treatment as a unified resource type
― Hybrids versus renewables – differences in approaches for offering ancillary services
― Implications for hybrid capabilities, offers and higher-level grid services
Unlocking Solar’s Full Potential, Mahesh Morjaria, First Solar
Defining and Solving For Grid Needs, Ray Hohenstein, Fluence
Hybrid Resources as Power Plants: Simplifying Markets and Grid Operations, Mark Ahlstrom, ESIG/NextEra Energy
Panel 3: Planning, interconnection and modeling with storage and hybrids
― Modeling – DC/AC coupling, charging as negative gen vs load, etc.
― Communications, controls and protection
― Interconnection requirements/expected performance of storage when charging
― Interconnection studies for “service less than nameplate” interconnections
― BES-connected storage and hybrid resources
― Distribution-connected storage, hybrids, aggregated DERs and load patterns
Are We Prepared? Planning a Grid with Increasing Energy Storage, Ryan Quint, NERC
MISO Interconnection Queue Overview – Storage, Hybrid Resources, Cody Doll, MISO
Adam Guinn, Duke
Panel 4: ISO/RTO market participation of storage and hybrids
― Beyond Order 841 – using storage and considering hybrids in ISO/RTO markets
― Distribution-connected storage, hybrids and aggregated DERs
― Potential role of storage and hybrids in grid services (both BES and DER)
Expertise to Enable Grid Transformation, Ric O’Connell, GridLab
Ongoing Policy Challenges for Energy Storage, Michael Herbert, Delorean Power and former FERC 841 tech lead
ISO/RTO Market Participation of Storage and Hybrids, Kevin Vannoy, MISO
ISO/RTO Market Participation of Storage and Hybrids, Kenneth Ragsdale, ERCOT
Panel 5: PFR and grid services considerations – conventional and inverter resources
― Impacts of providing PFR and ramping with synchronous machines
― Impacts/implications of providing PFR and ramping with IBRs
― Provision of PFR and contingency services post FERC Order 845
― Implications of “service less than nameplate” provisions of 845
― Discussion of PFR provision in excess of interconnection and line ratings
Current NERC Frequency Response Activities, Tom Pruitt, Duke (in ATL)
NAGF Overview, Al Schriver, NAGF
Frequency Response and Ancillary Services in ERCOT, Julia Matevosjana, ERCOT
Essential Reliability Services from Hybrid Power Plants, Jason MacDowell, GE
Panel 6: Policymaker viewpoints on grid services and grid transformation
― Local, state and federal considerations
― Regional differences and considerations
― DER/BPS interactions via emerging DER participation concepts
― Electric vehicle charging systems and electrification trends/directions
DER Participation in Wholesale Power Markets, Jeff Dennis, Advanced Energy Economy
Policymaker viewpoints on grid services and grid transformation, Jason Burwen, Energy Storage Association
Energy Storage in New York, Schuyler Matteson, NYSERDA