Featured Speakers: Craig Reeds, EPS Engineering & Design
Neil Kennings, DTE Energy
Joseph Baxter, NERC
Leland McMillan, NAES Corporation
Moderator: Bjorn Hedges, NAES/White Creek Wind
Registration Cost: FREE
Webinar Abstract: The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has established Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards to ensure minimum cyber security requirements for generators of electric power on the bulk electric power system, including wind plants. In an era with an increasingly integrated grid, concerns about physical and cyber security of critical infrastructure assets abound.
This webinar will provide insight into the key aspects of CIP standards and compliance with them.
Topics to be covered include:
While certain requirements are currently in effect, low-impact entities have not previously been required to document compliance with electronic access, physical security, or Transient Cyber Assets and Removable Media malicious code risk mitigation. The deadline for implementation of these practices is January 1, 2020.
Your entity may currently deploy good security practices, but how does your documentation stack up against an auditor’s scrutiny?
Please join us as industry experts provide background for challenges, lessons learned, and best practices associated with preparations for the new requirements.