The System Operation & Market Design Working Group will hold an online session on Thursday, April 15, 3:00 – 5:00 pm (eastern US).
Renewable forecasts have been used for operating the bulk power system for more than 15 years, and load forecasts for many decades. Until recently, forecasts have tended to be deterministic, representing the ‘best guess’ of expected behavior for the time period. More advanced methods that explicitly represent uncertainty have recently begun to be investigated and adopted, leveraging the additional information to better inform decision making processes by including risk considerations. This working group session will discuss ongoing efforts in the area, in order to better show how new methods can be adopted that may improve reliability and efficiency of system operations.
Session Introduction
Erik Ela, EPRI
Forecast Applications Introduction
An introduction to how forecasts are used for many different applications, how they may be used in the future, and the different types of forecasts that are being developed for these applications.
Aidan Tuohy, EPRI
Using Advanced Forecasts in Power System Operation Applications in Practice
Balancing area operators will discuss how they use advanced forecasts for operations including a focus on probabilistic forecasts.
Utility/ISO Speakers – TBD
Using Advanced Forecasts in Power System Operation Applications R&D
Researchers will give a brief overview for how they are proposing to use advanced forecasts, with a focus on probabilistic forecasts and applications for operations. Researchers from DOE’s Solar Forecasting 2 projects will provide some key insights and results.
Ben Hobbs, Johns Hopkins University; Venkat Krishnan, NREL
Miguel Ortega-Vazquez, EPRI
Bri-Mathias Hodge, NREL
Discussion and Q&A
Open discussion, Q&A, with the WG members on other applications and other areas of interest. Polling for focus areas of future WG sessions.
System Operation & Market Design Working Group Co-Chairs: Aidan Tuohy & Erik Ela, EPRI