Featured Speaker: Julian Leslie, Head of Networks and Chief Engineer – National Grid Electricity System Operator
About the Webinar: This session will focus on the operation of the GB electricity system and to demonstrate what it means to operate a low carbon network and what actions and changes National Grid Electricity System Operator are doing to ensure a safe and stable grid system. Using a case study of system oscillations experienced last summer, the discussion will focus on what has been done to mitigate the risk, identify the root cause and create long term solutions.
About the Speaker: Julian Leslie is a chartered engineer with three decades of transmission system operation, planning and investment experience. Julian’s role is to prepare Great Britain’s electricity network for net zero operation, defining future network needs so that market and network owners can invest in the right technology solutions at the right time. He is also responsible for transmission system connections, ensuring that access – both connection and maintenance – is safe, secure and straightforward and keeps consumers’ costs to a minimum.
Moderator: Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.