Featured Speaker: Ben Kroposki, PhD, PE, FIEEE, Director of Power Systems Engineering Center, NREL
About the Webinar: The Universal Interoperability for Grid-forming Inverters (UNIFI) Consortium is a forum to address fundamental challenges in the seamless integration of grid-forming (GFM) technologies into power systems of the future. The objectives of the UNIFI Consortium are to develop and implement a unified approach for integrating inverter-based resources (IBRs) and synchronous machines in power systems at any scale as well as support outreach, education, and collaboration to develop alignment amongst researchers, industry, utilities, and policy makers. This talk will discuss the overall goals of the UNIFI Consortium and it plans to develop interoperability guidelines and functional specifications to enable power systems to operate with any mix of machines and IBRs at any scale in an affordable, secure, reliable, sustainable, and resilient manner.
About the Speaker: Dr. Ben Kroposki is the Director of the Power Systems Engineering Center at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) where he leads NREL’s strategic research in the design, planning and operations of electrical power systems. He has over 30 years of experience in the design, testing, and integration of renewable and distributed power systems and has more than 150 publications in these areas with over 8,700 citations. Dr. Kroposki received his BSEE and MSEE from Virginia Tech and Ph.D. from the Colorado School of Mines. Dr. Kroposki is the recipient of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Ramakumar Family Renewable Energy Excellence Award. This award has been established to recognize outstanding contributions in the field of developing, utilizing and integrating renewable energy resources in the national and global energy scenarios. As an IEEE Fellow, Dr. Kroposki was recognized for his leadership in renewable and distributed energy systems integration. Dr. Kroposki is an Adjunct professor at the Colorado School of Mines and University of Colorado where he teaches courses on integrating renewable energy into power systems. Dr. Kroposki is also serving as the Organizational Director of the UNIF Consortium.
Moderator: Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.