Featured Speakers: Mark O’Malley, Chief Scientist, ESIG and Julian Leslie, Head of Networks and Chief Engineer – National Grid Electricity System Operator
Mark O’Malley
About the Webinar: As the power system generation mix transitions, advances in the operation and planning of the power system are required to continue to meet its primary objectives. To meet this need, select system operators on the cutting edge of this transition have collaborated with technical institutions around the world to create the Global Power System Transformation (G-PST) Consortium (https://globalpst.org/). The Consortium has the objective of supporting advanced system operator cutting-edge research and development activities and supporting all system operators globally with knowledge and training as they transform their power systems.
Following an extensive and rigorous process, the G-PST defined a common inaugural research agenda to advance the operations and planning of power systems to enable the transition. The purpose of this webinar is to describe the research agenda, which seeks to include all possible advances, from fundamental to applied research, driving solutions which are expected (but not assumed) to be globally applicable to all system operators. The initial research agenda focuses on near-term issues (i.e., next decade) and includes all technical aspects of operational and planning activities within the bulk power system. These advances will vary from system to system and will range from simple modifications of existing technologies and practices to fundamentally new and better ways to plan and/or operate the power systems of the future.
Julian Leslie
About the Speakers: Mark O’Malley is the Chief Scientist of the Energy Systems Integration Group having recently completed a three-year assignment as Chief Scientist, Energy Systems Integration at the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA. At NREL he co-led the establishment of the Global Power System Transformation Consortium and is the co-chair of the Research Agenda Group. He is a Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, a member of the Royal Irish Academy, the Professor of Electrical Engineering at UCD and a Visiting Professor at Imperial College London.
Julian Leslie is a chartered engineer with three decades of transmission system operation, planning and investment experience. Julian’s role is to prepare Great Britain’s electricity network for net zero operation, defining future network needs so that market and network owners can invest in the right technology solutions at the right time. He is also responsible for transmission system connections, ensuring that access – both connection and maintenance – is safe, secure and straightforward and keeps consumers’ costs to a minimum.
Moderator: Charlie Smith, Executive Director, ESIG
Registration Cost: FREE
Q&A Session: We will be using the slido platform for Q&A. Please submit your questions and follow-along during the event at this link.